Arkansas’s motto is THE PEOPLE RULE.

One of the ways the people rule in Arkansas is by passing laws directly though ballot initiatives. For over 100 years, Arkansans have used citizen-initiated measures to place important issues on the ballot. But now, some Arkansas politicians are trying to make it more difficult for voters to pass laws.

Issue 2 is a legislatively referred constitutional amendment that will appear on your November General Election ballot. Issue 2 will end the democratic principle of one person, one vote, allowing a 41% minority to block what the majority of voters want.



A ballot initiative is a change to a state law or the state constitution that is approved or rejected by voters. A ballot initiative is placed on the ballot in two ways:

1) By citizens who collected a required number of valid petition signatures from registered voters in the state, or;

2) It is referred to the ballot by the state legislature.

A ballot initiative is also known as an initiated measure, ballot measure, referendum, or constitutional amendment.